Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Media Narrative Coming Off Desperate...

...when you see headlines like this from the AP:

Shift on marriage energizes immigration activists

President Barack Obama's shift to support gay marriage is energizing young Hispanic voters who have been working side-by-side with gay activists in their push for immigration reform. The alliance has been growing nationwide and helping dispel what many say is an outdated notion that Hispanics are less tolerant of gays than the general public...

Forget about the Tea Party - the force to be reckoned with in American politics is the radical gay/radical Hispanic (the article uses the reprehensible La Raza as their key source) alliance !

Sheesh - what next?

Williamsburg, Brooklyn - Three hipsters, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon at a local dive bar, agreed that Obama's new stance on gay marriage might be enough to rouse them to register to vote for the 2012 elections. Pundits, including the hot angry hippie chick that is often seen at the local Two Boots pizzeria, agree that this movement may signal a turning point for the Obama campaign...
