Go here and give this gal her props...
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Couldn't Have Happened To A More Deserving Guy
H/T to Jammie Wearing Fools for the link.
Department of Redundancy Department: Keith Olbermann Fired Again, Replaced by Eliot Spitzer
That brings to mind a quote from my favorite philosopher, Homer Simpson:
"How come things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"
Department of Redundancy Department: Keith Olbermann Fired Again, Replaced by Eliot Spitzer
Current TV said Friday afternoon that it had terminated the contract of its lead anchor, Keith Olbermann, scarcely a year after he was hired to reboot the fledgling channel in his progressive political image.In a continuing pattern of behavior that reminds one of Olbermann's role model, barack obama, little Keithie blamed his firing on everyone but himself, just as he did in his previous dismissals.
The cable channel indicated that he had failed to honor the terms of his five-year, $50 million contract, giving the channel the right to terminate it. Starting Friday night, the formerprostitute-frequenting Client Number NineNew York Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer will take over Mr. Olbermann’s 8 p.m. time slot.
That brings to mind a quote from my favorite philosopher, Homer Simpson:
"How come things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"
Friday, March 30, 2012
Friday Follies Happy Hour 2012.03.30
Today's selection is not the style of music I usually listen to. In fact, I never even heard of the performer -- Katy Perry -- until I ran across this article about the left calling for a boycott of the singer.
Then toast the Marines and all the other members of our military who serve so Naomi Wolf and the rest of the Occupy Whatever scum can run off their mouths.
And just to really piss off the left, some of the Marines at Camp Pendleton are featured in the video.
Katy Perry transforms herself into a U.S. Marine in her latest power-pop single, "Part of Me," which addresses female empowerment and pays particular tribute to service women.In response to Ms. Wolf's call for a boycott, I immediately bought the song at iTunes and posted the video here. It does begin with one of those annoying vid-commercials, so use the 15 seconds or so to visit the fridge and snag a cold one.
However, at least one media type doesn't support Perry's Marines shout-out.
Prominent feminist Naomi Wolf, author of "The Beauty Myth" and one of many who were arrested amid the Occupy Wall Street protests last year, is urging Americans to boycott the singer, labeling her video "a total piece of propaganda for the Marines."
Then toast the Marines and all the other members of our military who serve so Naomi Wolf and the rest of the Occupy Whatever scum can run off their mouths.
And just to really piss off the left, some of the Marines at Camp Pendleton are featured in the video.
Saving The Planet One Orgasm At A Time
Like most bloggers, every once in a while I take a few moments to review my blog stats. It comes as no surprise that most of my higher-rated posts have something to do with sex.
There's the penis pump post, the vajazzling post, and the just-barely-covered spring break post. None of them are particularly noteworthy, but they do draw in the visitors.
So in the spirit of artificially inflating my stats, along with battlingglobal warming climate change whatever the hell it's called now, and preventing the polar bears from drowning, I'm pleased to provide this link to the latest in eco-friendly sex toys: a solar powered vibrator.
No batteries needed, just the sun!
Plus just think how much fun you can have rubbing on the suntan lotion...
There's the penis pump post, the vajazzling post, and the just-barely-covered spring break post. None of them are particularly noteworthy, but they do draw in the visitors.
So in the spirit of artificially inflating my stats, along with battling
No batteries needed, just the sun!
Plus just think how much fun you can have rubbing on the suntan lotion...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
More Late Night Thoughts
My wife and I were watching TV tonight. Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, we get somewhere around 200 channels, all of which seem incapable of broadcasting anything worth watching. But we got lucky and stumbled across a showing of the classic movie Wizard of Oz.
During a commercial break I couldn't help but think about modernizing it, based on current events.
Dick Cheney has already received a heart. Now we can only hope that Joe Biden gets a brain, obama gets some courage, and that a House falls on Pelosi.
During a commercial break I couldn't help but think about modernizing it, based on current events.
Dick Cheney has already received a heart. Now we can only hope that Joe Biden gets a brain, obama gets some courage, and that a House falls on Pelosi.
Is There No End To This Clown's Ego?
I don't know how many readers of this blog are under forty -- my guess is probably not too many -- but for those of you who are, be advised that your generational designation has been changed.
President Obama has renamed the generation under 40 years of age
Rather than “millennials,” that generation has now been rebranded as "generation 44." The number 44 stands for 44th president. In other words, Obama has named the generation after himself.
Here's an excerpt from the official Gen44 web site.
(Gen44 Magnum image from here).
The only thing that comes close to rivaling obama's ego is the national debt.
I'll agree that he deserves the lion's share of the credit for that.
President Obama has renamed the generation under 40 years of age
Rather than “millennials,” that generation has now been rebranded as "generation 44." The number 44 stands for 44th president. In other words, Obama has named the generation after himself.
Here's an excerpt from the official Gen44 web site.
As President Obama told us in 2008 and continues to remind us now, the work did not end on Election Day. We made commitments to each other about what we hope tomorrow looks like and what we believe our country can be and they are commitments we must fight for every day. From our commitment to these ideals, we created Generation Forty Four or Gen44 for short—a council to cultivate and empower a rising generation of leaders in the Democratic Party. Gen44 will work with this groundbreaking group, all under the age of 40, to serve as a platform for political mobilization and to ensure that President Obama and Democrats have the resources and infrastructure needed to implement the change we believe in.As part of this bold new initiative, the obama campaign has created the twitter tag #gen44. Like so much of what this gang-that-can’t-shoot-straight touches, it immediately became a total fiasco.
We aren’t sure why, but for some reason President Obama and the Democrats keep creating and promoting hashtags despite the fact that conservatives inevitably take over the hashtags in order to mock them. This time the hashtag is #Gen44, and was meant to be a place where young Obama supporters expressed their admiration for him. Instead, conservatives are dominating the hashtag with tweets that criticize the President and some of his most naive supporters.Some of the better ones:
I'm not #gen44, I work for a living.The mocking of Gen44 doesn't stop there.
I'm #gen1040
Whining beats working. #Gen44
#gen44 We don't stand for anything so we'll fall for everything!
#Gen44 Being told what to do is much easier than thinking for yourself.
#Gen44 because I'm too lazy to succeed on my own talents. Now hand over my free stuff!
#gen44: Because this time I want Obama to win all 57 States
#Gen44 Because I believe the largest economy the world has ever known can be run on solar panels, windmills and algae.
#Gen44 A Chevy Volt in every garage.
(Gen44 Magnum image from here).
The only thing that comes close to rivaling obama's ego is the national debt.
I'll agree that he deserves the lion's share of the credit for that.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Late Night Thoughts
Fueled by equal parts outrage and Shiner:
Q: What's the difference between Spike Lee, the New Black Panthers, and the KKK?
A: The color of their hoodies.
Q: What's the difference between Spike Lee, the New Black Panthers, and the KKK?
A: The color of their hoodies.
What I Wish I'd Said
This morning I commented on the Trayvon Martin shooting. In that post I made mention of how ironic it was that the same ethnic group that has suffered so much at the hands of lynch mobs is now in the process of assembling one of their own.
This evening I came across the following post, which says what I was trying to say, but much more succinctly and eloquently.
The Lynch Mob Assembles
This evening I came across the following post, which says what I was trying to say, but much more succinctly and eloquently.
The Lynch Mob Assembles
I haven’t written about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida for the simple reason that I was as shocked by his murder as anyone else. I am not a racist no matter what some might say, and as a parent of a teenage boy myself I’m quite sensitive to seeing parents suffer the type of loss that is my own greatest personal fear. But I’ve learned from past experience to never trust initial reports, so I have been waiting for the dust to settle and the truth to be revealed. And waiting. And waiting.Well said, sir, well said.
The righteous anger that erupted immediately after Martin’s death has morphed into something else, something much more ugly. It is one thing to demand an investigation into his death, it’s another to call for his killer’s capture “dead or alive” as the Black Panther’s have, or to pass along his address – erroneously it turns out – to your 250,000 followers on Twitter the way Spike Lee has. This is the hysteria of the mob, and it is dangerous yet the politicians who don hoodies in Congress are so caught up in it that they are blind to it.
It is impossible to imagine Martin Luther King jr sending out the addresses of the men who killed James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in 1964 for a very simple reason: He had seen first hand the results of lynch mobs, and he knew their irrationality and power. He had seen innocent men tried, convicted and executed by the mob, and he knew that the greatest antidote for it was the application of slow but inexorable blind justice. Florida 2012 is not Mississippi 1964, so why are so many so desperate to turn the clock back? Convene a grand jury and let the Truth come out, but do not unleash the beast that threatens to devour everyone including those that set it loose among us.
Ever seen a lynch mob? This is how one starts. Someone innocent is going to get hurt, the outcome of most lynchings, and hysteria will be replaced by regret. But by then it will be too late, and those that think they are righteous today will have innocent blood on their hands tomorrow.
Wait Just A Friggin' Minute
A whole passel of states have passed some form of voter ID laws requiring potential voters to provide some type of government approved picture identification such as a driver's license or passport in order to vote. Conservatives argue this is necessary to prevent voter fraud. Liberals claim voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, older voters, and young people.
Sweeping new security measures to prevent cheating on the SAT and ACT college entrance exams were announced Tuesday.
Let me get this straight. It's okay to implement a restrictive system of checking photo IDs for prospective college students, but not for potential voters? Liberals howl in outrage over voter ID laws, but are strangely silent over stricter requirements for SAT and ACT tests? Double standard, anyone?
We're concerned about kids spoofing the system to get into college, where they'll either pass or fail mostly on their own merits. But we could care less about verifying the eligibility of people voting for the leader of the free world?
Priorities, people, priorities...
College campuses across the nation are teeming with students ready to exercise their right to vote, one of the few perks that comes with turning 18. Yet, instead of encouraging students to take part in this rite of passage, some states are imposing voter ID requirements that make it much harder for them to vote.I'm not going to address the minorities or senior citizen issue, but I would like to comment on the liberal's concern that young folks might be adversely affected.
The fact that some Republicans see these new voter restrictions as a good thing shows their complete disregard for the democratic process.
Sweeping new security measures to prevent cheating on the SAT and ACT college entrance exams were announced Tuesday.
Beginning with exams taken in September, students will have to submit a photo of themselves when they apply for a test. That photo will be printed on the student's test admission ticket and the roster provided to proctors at testing sites. Testing staff will compare the submitted photo to a photo ID and to the student in person at the testing site.(More here.)
Photo checks will take place when the student arrives at the testing site, during breaks and when tests are handed in.
Student photos will also remain in the testing databases and be checked again by high school counselors and college admission officials once scores are calculated and submitted.
Let me get this straight. It's okay to implement a restrictive system of checking photo IDs for prospective college students, but not for potential voters? Liberals howl in outrage over voter ID laws, but are strangely silent over stricter requirements for SAT and ACT tests? Double standard, anyone?
We're concerned about kids spoofing the system to get into college, where they'll either pass or fail mostly on their own merits. But we could care less about verifying the eligibility of people voting for the leader of the free world?
Priorities, people, priorities...
Don't Confuse Revenge With Justice
I was going to stay out of the whole Trayvon Martin controversy. After all, there’s been so much written and said about that sad incident. What do I have to add that hasn’t already been said by others? But the uproar not only continued, but intensified. The cries for George Zimmerman’s head on a pike got louder, while at the same time more details leaked out that indicated perhaps we haven’t heard the whole story.
So I thought maybe I’d just toss out a little reminder to withhold judgment until all the facts are in. Didn’t we see the folly of leaping to conclusions in the Richard Jewell affair (he was the security guard at the Atlanta Olympics who was first hailed as a hero for finding a bomb in the Olympic Park, then accused and convicted by the media as the bomber, only to be later exonerated)?
Or the rape accusations against the Duke lacrosse team? (A black woman claimed to have been raped by three white Duke students. The media took the story and ran with it, proclaiming it a hate crime. Later, of course, it turned out that the woman falsely accused the students, and the prosecutor ended up being disbarred for legal and ethical violations in his zeal to convict the students.)
Or, more recently, the Jared Loughner case? (Loughner shot former U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several others at a rally in Arizona. The media immediately linked the shooting to ‘uncivil’ conservative rhetoric. Once again, after further investigation, the facts indicated otherwise. Loughner was a mentally troubled person who, if anything, had liberal leanings.)
So I figured I could be a voice of reason, suggesting that we sit back and let cooler heads prevail. Politicians and special interest groups would stand back and let the investigation proceed. The truth will come out and justice will prevail.
Yeah, right … and unicorns will jump over the rainbow.
Just as in the Duke and Loughner cases, the leftists and their allies in the media have no interest in justice. All they care about is politicizing this whole tragic affair for their own gain.
Don’t believe that last statement? Check out the following.
An obama stooge masquerading as an alleged MSNBC journalist blamed the shooting on the Koch brothers, the NRA, and other assorted conservative groups.
And speaking of MSNBC, we all know they are to obama as Monica was to Bill Clinton. But this time, they’ve outdone themselves. MSNBC altered the 911 call George Zimmerman made. Here’s MSNBC’s version:
Finally, we have the obama campaign peddling official “obama 2012” hoodies. They hit the market on March 26, just days after the shooting.
Despicable? Certainly. Coincidence? I think not.
So if I did have something to add to this whole mess, it would be this one simple statement: Revenge and Justice are not the same thing.
Everyone wants (or should want) justice in this case. But so many people are out for revenge that it is frightening – especially when they don’t even know all the facts.
That sounds an awful lot like a lynching. Given the racial circumstances of this case, the irony is obvious.
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a few pictures that speak volumes, along with links to sites that have commentary worthy of your attention.
(H/T Day by Day)
(H/T Peter)
(H/T Hope-N-Change)
So I thought maybe I’d just toss out a little reminder to withhold judgment until all the facts are in. Didn’t we see the folly of leaping to conclusions in the Richard Jewell affair (he was the security guard at the Atlanta Olympics who was first hailed as a hero for finding a bomb in the Olympic Park, then accused and convicted by the media as the bomber, only to be later exonerated)?
Or the rape accusations against the Duke lacrosse team? (A black woman claimed to have been raped by three white Duke students. The media took the story and ran with it, proclaiming it a hate crime. Later, of course, it turned out that the woman falsely accused the students, and the prosecutor ended up being disbarred for legal and ethical violations in his zeal to convict the students.)
Or, more recently, the Jared Loughner case? (Loughner shot former U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several others at a rally in Arizona. The media immediately linked the shooting to ‘uncivil’ conservative rhetoric. Once again, after further investigation, the facts indicated otherwise. Loughner was a mentally troubled person who, if anything, had liberal leanings.)
So I figured I could be a voice of reason, suggesting that we sit back and let cooler heads prevail. Politicians and special interest groups would stand back and let the investigation proceed. The truth will come out and justice will prevail.
Yeah, right … and unicorns will jump over the rainbow.
Just as in the Duke and Loughner cases, the leftists and their allies in the media have no interest in justice. All they care about is politicizing this whole tragic affair for their own gain.
Don’t believe that last statement? Check out the following.
An obama stooge masquerading as an alleged MSNBC journalist blamed the shooting on the Koch brothers, the NRA, and other assorted conservative groups.
And speaking of MSNBC, we all know they are to obama as Monica was to Bill Clinton. But this time, they’ve outdone themselves. MSNBC altered the 911 call George Zimmerman made. Here’s MSNBC’s version:
"This guy looks like he’s up to no good … He looks black."Here’s the actual full quote.
ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?
ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.Makes a big difference, doesn't it. It goes from making it sound like Zimmerman is biased or profiling blacks to showing that he was simply responding to a question from the police dispatcher. That goes way beyond journalistic license and ventures into deliberately twisting a quote to misrepresent the truth.
Finally, we have the obama campaign peddling official “obama 2012” hoodies. They hit the market on March 26, just days after the shooting.
Despicable? Certainly. Coincidence? I think not.
So if I did have something to add to this whole mess, it would be this one simple statement: Revenge and Justice are not the same thing.
Everyone wants (or should want) justice in this case. But so many people are out for revenge that it is frightening – especially when they don’t even know all the facts.
That sounds an awful lot like a lynching. Given the racial circumstances of this case, the irony is obvious.
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a few pictures that speak volumes, along with links to sites that have commentary worthy of your attention.
(H/T Day by Day)
(H/T Peter)
(H/T Hope-N-Change)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Talk About A Hostile Work Environment
We tend to take things for granted around here, until something like this pops up in the news.
7 mutilated bodies found in Nuevo Laredo
Seven mutilated bodies less than ten miles from my South Texas residence and office.
Reporting of those bodies occurs 200 miles away.
I'm a big critic of the media, but unlike the obama lapdog mainstream media, at least the Mexican and local South Texas media have a damn good reason for forsaking their reporting duties. I doubt if I would splash headlines across the front page with my name in the byline while knowing that at any time I could be kidnapped and executed in a most gruesome manner.
One of the things I try to teach my students is to look beyond the immediate consequences of their decisions, and to be aware of the secondary and tertiary outcomes. For those of you that use drugs (even the so-called victimless marijuana), I could care less what you ingest, or what you consider recreational drugs.
But I do get riled up when the downstream consequences of your drug usage contribute to the power and profits of the cartels.
We can debate whether or not drugs should be legal (FWIW, I'm all in favor of legalization), but if you don't man up and admit that your usage supports at least in part the unholy regimes of those vile and evil cartels then we have little common ground upon which to carry on a dialogue.
7 mutilated bodies found in Nuevo Laredo
The mutilated bodies of seven unidentified men were found in an abandoned vehicle Monday morning east of downtown Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.Actually, this incident wasn't even reported locally. I was totally unaware of it until I read the San Antonio newspaper.
Authorities responded to a 9 a.m. call reporting the vehicle and bodies at an intersection one block from a Mexican army base, according to a government official who asked to remain anonymous.
“Their arms, legs and heads were cut off,” the source said.
Seven mutilated bodies less than ten miles from my South Texas residence and office.
Reporting of those bodies occurs 200 miles away.
I'm a big critic of the media, but unlike the obama lapdog mainstream media, at least the Mexican and local South Texas media have a damn good reason for forsaking their reporting duties. I doubt if I would splash headlines across the front page with my name in the byline while knowing that at any time I could be kidnapped and executed in a most gruesome manner.
One of the things I try to teach my students is to look beyond the immediate consequences of their decisions, and to be aware of the secondary and tertiary outcomes. For those of you that use drugs (even the so-called victimless marijuana), I could care less what you ingest, or what you consider recreational drugs.
But I do get riled up when the downstream consequences of your drug usage contribute to the power and profits of the cartels.
We can debate whether or not drugs should be legal (FWIW, I'm all in favor of legalization), but if you don't man up and admit that your usage supports at least in part the unholy regimes of those vile and evil cartels then we have little common ground upon which to carry on a dialogue.
If You've Never Done This Raise Your Hand - Anyone?
A large part of my job is conducting research projects. I enjoy it, but it has its challenges. When doing research involving human subjects, one of those challenges is finding a sufficient number of qualified participants.
For example, if I'm researching the factors influencing smart phone adoption by older Americans, I need to find a large enough sample of mature subjects who use smart phones, along with a similarly-sized sample of older people who don't use smart phones (for compare-and-contrast purposes). Each sample has to be large enough so I can control for other factors such as gender, ethnicity, income levels, education, and so forth.
That need for compare-and-contrast samples is a requirement for just about any research study involving people. As the researchers running this particular study found out, in some cases that's easier said than done.
Pornography study doomed to fail after scientists couldn't find a single man who hadn't viewed X-rated material
I guess they could have gone to Utah and asked some of those good Mormon youth. Or perhaps the Amish in Pennsylvania. But it appears that they limited their search to Canada. Given the winters that our neighbors to the north experience, it's no surprise that the young men up there turn to porn. After all, there's just so much hockey a guy can watch.
But like all good researchers, Dr. Lajeunesse is nothing if not flexible.
The search for truth is often long and arduous, but it's something we academics are committed to...
For example, if I'm researching the factors influencing smart phone adoption by older Americans, I need to find a large enough sample of mature subjects who use smart phones, along with a similarly-sized sample of older people who don't use smart phones (for compare-and-contrast purposes). Each sample has to be large enough so I can control for other factors such as gender, ethnicity, income levels, education, and so forth.
That need for compare-and-contrast samples is a requirement for just about any research study involving people. As the researchers running this particular study found out, in some cases that's easier said than done.
Pornography study doomed to fail after scientists couldn't find a single man who hadn't viewed X-rated material
Scientists studying the effects of pornography fell at the first hurdle - after failing to find a man who had not viewed X-rated material.And they're surprised why, exactly?
The researchers were comparing the views of men in their 20s who had never been exposed to pornography to regular users.
But Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse, of Montreal University in Canada, said: 'We started our research seeking men who had never consumed pornography. We couldn't find any.'
I guess they could have gone to Utah and asked some of those good Mormon youth. Or perhaps the Amish in Pennsylvania. But it appears that they limited their search to Canada. Given the winters that our neighbors to the north experience, it's no surprise that the young men up there turn to porn. After all, there's just so much hockey a guy can watch.
But like all good researchers, Dr. Lajeunesse is nothing if not flexible.
Although hampered in its original aim, the study was then changed to examine the habits of men who regularly used porn.Those of us in the research business just love findings like these, because they can lead to further studies and, with a little bit of luck, even government funding. For example, do those young men in a relationship view porn alone or with their significant others? Why do the porn-viewing episodes of single young men last twice as long as involved young men? Is there a difference in the type of porn viewed by the two groups? And so on and so forth.
It found single young men viewed such material on average for 40 minutes three times a week, compared with those in relationships, who watched it 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes.
The search for truth is often long and arduous, but it's something we academics are committed to...
Shocking News
Would the government mislead us?
Would a large corporation mislead us?
Would a hybrid government/corporate organization mislead us?
** Snort **
I speak, of course, of that unholy alliance between obama and General Motors, and its bastard offspring - the Chevy Volt. (H/T Doug Ross for the link.)
This is the secondrecall customer satisfaction action for the Volt.
As always, politics is trumping reason, logic, and facts.
The good news for Volt-heads is that Electric Highways are spreading likewildfire molasses.
First big piece of ‘Electric Highway’ gets juice
Adding three hours to a 280 mile trip means a trip that would ordinarily take between 4 - 5 hours will now take around eight: almost a 50% increase.
The tradeoff, of course, is time for money. The trip will take longer but cost less - at least on an energy-per-mile basis. But when you factor the sticker price differential (a Nissan leaf sticker price is around $38K while a conventional Nissan Versa goes for around $11K), well, $27K buys a lot of gas, even at $4.00 per gallon.
Something to think about: Interstate 5 stretches 1,350 miles from British Columbia to Baja, Calif.
So it seems pretty clear that the electric car won't be replacing gasoline-powered ones at any time in the near future.
That is, assuming the government let's the free market do its job...
Would a large corporation mislead us?
Would a hybrid government/corporate organization mislead us?
** Snort **
I speak, of course, of that unholy alliance between obama and General Motors, and its bastard offspring - the Chevy Volt. (H/T Doug Ross for the link.)
About eight months ago some owners of Chevy Volts complained that charging cords were overheating, sometimes to the point of melting. At the time, GM blamed owners, saying the wall outlets were the culprits. We now finally have GM addressing the safety concerns and agreeing to replace charging cords for all 9,500 Volts that have been sold since production began. But in what is becoming a new public relations precedent, the move is not being called a "recall.""More consistent charging experience" - as in your garage doesn't burn down.
The non-recall recall is instead referred to as a customer satisfaction action which is designed to "offer a more consistent charging experience."
The political strategy is becoming more and more evident at GM as Chevy Volt sales continue to struggle and the 2012 presidential election nears. Excuses have been made for low sales of the Volt, starting with supply constraints and more recently involving a Republican conspiracy to hurt sales. GM refuses to admit the real reason that the Volt doesn't sell well is that the car is too expensive for most consumers and the savings from gas usage do not justify the high cost.That's what happens when the government takes an ownership position in a private-sector business. If you think this is bad, just wait and see what happens if obamacare is ever implemented.
This is the second
The first non-recall was for reinforcements to the battery pack after test vehicles at NHTSA ignited days after crash tests. In both cases, GM was adamant that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Volt; it is either the fault of owners with faulty wiring or right-wing media sources.In a scary combination of corporate and government bullying, "GM has stepped up ad spending for the Volt on those TV networks that are accused of criticizing the car. The spending seems to be quieting the criticism."
As always, politics is trumping reason, logic, and facts.
The main subject for debate regarding the Chevy Volt and cars like it, is the taxpayer costs versus benefits, not how popular the car is or isn't. Let's summarize once again what the proposed goal of President Obama to have a million electric vehicles on the road within a few years does and what it costs. If Obama gets his way, each car gets a $10,000 tax credit. This goes to the wealthy buyers of the cars or to the dealers if the cars are sold to the government. Disregarding state credits, infrastructure costs and other subsidies for the industry we have a cost to taxpayers of $10 billion. Given the assumption that there will be about 250 million passenger vehicles on the US roads that account for less than 50% of the nation's oil consumption, we get a reduction in oil dependence of less than 0.2 percent. That's $10,000,000,000 for a 0.2 percent reduction in oil usage.And that's ignoring the fact that electric cars are ridiculously impractical for anything but short trips (short being defined as a round trip of 50 miles or less), for two reasons. One, there are very few charging stations in this country, meaning that electric car drivers must charge them at home. Two, it takes a long time to fully charge an electric car.
The good news for Volt-heads is that Electric Highways are spreading like
First big piece of ‘Electric Highway’ gets juice
Electric car owners riding along Oregon’s Interstate 5 don’t have to worry about running out of juice on the open road.Now, thanks to the benefits of the Electric Highway, Denley "expects the trip to Portland to take perhaps three hours longer than in a gas car."
The first major stretch of what’s been dubbed an “Electric Highway” on the West Coast from Canada to Mexico went operational Friday with the opening of a series of fast-charging stations along 160 miles of the interstate.
They are spaced about every 25 miles, so a Nissan Leaf with a range of about 70 miles can miss one station and still make it to the next. Electric car drivers will be able to recharge in about 20 minutes. The charge is free for now.
“I would say range-anxiety with these fast chargers will be nearly a non-issue for me,” said Justin Denley, who owns a Nissan Leaf. Inspired by the stations, his family is planning a trip from Medford to Portland, a distance of about 280 miles.
Last summer, he took the family on a 120-mile trip to the coast and had to include an overnight stop at an RV park to charge up.
Adding three hours to a 280 mile trip means a trip that would ordinarily take between 4 - 5 hours will now take around eight: almost a 50% increase.
The tradeoff, of course, is time for money. The trip will take longer but cost less - at least on an energy-per-mile basis. But when you factor the sticker price differential (a Nissan leaf sticker price is around $38K while a conventional Nissan Versa goes for around $11K), well, $27K buys a lot of gas, even at $4.00 per gallon.
Something to think about: Interstate 5 stretches 1,350 miles from British Columbia to Baja, Calif.
So it seems pretty clear that the electric car won't be replacing gasoline-powered ones at any time in the near future.
That is, assuming the government let's the free market do its job...
Monday, March 26, 2012
Dog Lover
I've had dogs since as long as I can remember, going all the way back to when I was five years old (a dachshund named Brownie. Hey, I was five. How much originality did you expect?)
As I got older the dogs got bigger. During my teen years there was a border collie named Gulliver. (We were a military family, and relocated quite often. Hence Gulliver, for Gulliver's Travels.)
After I left home and was on my own there was a succession of Labrador Retrievers. They have a lot in common with adolescent males. Enthusiastic, energetic, exuberant - not to mention pretty intelligent, but totally lacking in common sense. First was a black lab named Chump, who became impregnated by a German Shepard who possessed the ability to leap a six-foot high cedar privacy fence when the bitch next door was in heat. (The shepherd was named Sergeant, which I felt was appropriate, since he did to my dog what a succession of Army sergeants did to me - figuratively, not literally).
Chump begat Darlin', a yellow lab, who was named in honor of all the blonds I used to date, but whose names I could never remember, so I just called them by the generic term Darlin'.
Darlin' begat Josie, who was the sweetest, calmest, and best behaved Lab I ever knew. To compensate, she was also the dumbest. Josie had perpetual knots on her forehead from trying to chase rabbits and squirrels under our back porch deck. She never learned that a rabbit or squirrel, even running at full speed, could fit underneath the deck's baseboard, but a full-grown Lab could not. Do I really need to add that Josie was a blond?
We currently have a couple of mutts. I wanted another Lab, but was overruled by the wife and kids the day we went to the local animal shelter and saw these two. They're sisters, and also rescue dogs who were taken from an abusive environment and cared for until we adopted them. It's been interesting ... they're fine with women and children, but at first were very leery of men - especially men wearing baseball caps. Obviously they were abused by some asshole in a cap. They've come to tolerate me, but still are unfriendly towards strange men. That's not necessarily a bad thing, since we now have a couple of furry four-legged sentries.
We also have one other dog. This one possess special qualities that have resulted in a number of people asking if they could buy him from us.In fact, there was such demand for him that I was forced to put the following notice in the local paper.
(H/T to Bots for the picture.)
As I got older the dogs got bigger. During my teen years there was a border collie named Gulliver. (We were a military family, and relocated quite often. Hence Gulliver, for Gulliver's Travels.)
After I left home and was on my own there was a succession of Labrador Retrievers. They have a lot in common with adolescent males. Enthusiastic, energetic, exuberant - not to mention pretty intelligent, but totally lacking in common sense. First was a black lab named Chump, who became impregnated by a German Shepard who possessed the ability to leap a six-foot high cedar privacy fence when the bitch next door was in heat. (The shepherd was named Sergeant, which I felt was appropriate, since he did to my dog what a succession of Army sergeants did to me - figuratively, not literally).
Chump begat Darlin', a yellow lab, who was named in honor of all the blonds I used to date, but whose names I could never remember, so I just called them by the generic term Darlin'.
Darlin' begat Josie, who was the sweetest, calmest, and best behaved Lab I ever knew. To compensate, she was also the dumbest. Josie had perpetual knots on her forehead from trying to chase rabbits and squirrels under our back porch deck. She never learned that a rabbit or squirrel, even running at full speed, could fit underneath the deck's baseboard, but a full-grown Lab could not. Do I really need to add that Josie was a blond?
We currently have a couple of mutts. I wanted another Lab, but was overruled by the wife and kids the day we went to the local animal shelter and saw these two. They're sisters, and also rescue dogs who were taken from an abusive environment and cared for until we adopted them. It's been interesting ... they're fine with women and children, but at first were very leery of men - especially men wearing baseball caps. Obviously they were abused by some asshole in a cap. They've come to tolerate me, but still are unfriendly towards strange men. That's not necessarily a bad thing, since we now have a couple of furry four-legged sentries.
We also have one other dog. This one possess special qualities that have resulted in a number of people asking if they could buy him from us.In fact, there was such demand for him that I was forced to put the following notice in the local paper.
(H/T to Bots for the picture.)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Jennifer Lopez’s Dark Brown Retro Hairstyle
Jennifer Lopez’s ıll lighted brown retro hairstyle looks amiable and so sweet.plus; bronze brown highlights entirely tournament with Jennifer Lopez’s brunette hair.
to bear this hairstyle;first beat your ends with curling ıron;then grant tome at the head area.you can cease your retro mode with a compressed headband..
to bear this hairstyle;first beat your ends with curling ıron;then grant tome at the head area.you can cease your retro mode with a compressed headband..

1960s Hairstyles

Pompadour hairstyles,beehive hairstyles,bouffant hairstyles kept their approval at 1960s.we can not old fashioned Twiggy and Beatles while talking around 1960s hairstyles..twigy’s little cropped hairstyle became too celebrated amid the women.men known to each other or one another with mop haircut by Beatles..
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Wedding Braided Updo Hairstyles
Braiding is a wonderful approach to add a touch of sophistication to a wedding updo hairstyles, specifically if you have long hair. Braided updo hairstyles are an appealing choice irrespective of the occasion becoming a good idea for those who like to update their hairstyle without having to use extreme heat tools. Have a look at a few wedding braided updo hairstyles to see if they’re attracting you.

Barb braiding ıs mid the simplest and profuse exemplary ways you may type a barb do apply off without needing a batch of styling ıtems or fervour based styling tools. Having a duo of elementary abilities along with a benefit measure of fancy and creativeness making the easiest bristle styles fix 1 away becomes a clear job. Updo whisker styles aren’t any variant, as braids can also annex glamor and sort when they’re second hand ımaginatively. Whether you elect to annex hardly a twosome of biased braids or you are looking at some existence advanced and dramaturgical, this way ıs ın reality fortune considering when you’re looking to procure a fashionable yet 1 greatly useful bristle do.

Barb braiding ıs mid the simplest and profuse exemplary ways you may type a barb do apply off without needing a batch of styling ıtems or fervour based styling tools. Having a duo of elementary abilities along with a benefit measure of fancy and creativeness making the easiest bristle styles fix 1 away becomes a clear job. Updo whisker styles aren’t any variant, as braids can also annex glamor and sort when they’re second hand ımaginatively. Whether you elect to annex hardly a twosome of biased braids or you are looking at some existence advanced and dramaturgical, this way ıs ın reality fortune considering when you’re looking to procure a fashionable yet 1 greatly useful bristle do.

Kate Middleton Wedding Hairstyles
The BIG year ıs to be sure nearby the corner and more plus much more statistics and facts are leaked close by the fascinating ımperial nuptial. On this period the audience contains the ımaginable opening to perceive more on every side Kate Middleton’s bridal hairstyles accident. Doubtless her style provides as the unexcelled stimulus for millions of foreseeable days or time to come brides lusting after a glam ‘do with heed to their key occasion..

The fabulous glossy locks from the bride-to-be inspired millions to consider a properly-defined proper hair care routine. Dailymail claims that girls raided the shops for that latest formulas to possess a similar shiny hair because the strands of Kate Middleton. Not just the clothing for the future princess keeps people alert, but they would like to discover more also about her wedding hair do. The most recent news discloses that Kate will sport a enchanting downdo for that glamorous event…
kate middleton

Hair fans may have the opportunity to place her super-glossy formal look on April 29 in the high ceremony from the royal wedding. Kate is unquestionably probably the most natural and beloved stars in great britan. Flaunting her fabulous silhouette accompanied together with her simply sculpted half-updos led to her new generation style icon title. A no-fuss look turns out to be the key component to contract the length between her and her fans. Women of any age have selected her their ultimate idol.

wedding hairstyle

The fabulous glossy locks from the bride-to-be inspired millions to consider a properly-defined proper hair care routine. Dailymail claims that girls raided the shops for that latest formulas to possess a similar shiny hair because the strands of Kate Middleton. Not just the clothing for the future princess keeps people alert, but they would like to discover more also about her wedding hair do. The most recent news discloses that Kate will sport a enchanting downdo for that glamorous event…
kate middleton

Hair fans may have the opportunity to place her super-glossy formal look on April 29 in the high ceremony from the royal wedding. Kate is unquestionably probably the most natural and beloved stars in great britan. Flaunting her fabulous silhouette accompanied together with her simply sculpted half-updos led to her new generation style icon title. A no-fuss look turns out to be the key component to contract the length between her and her fans. Women of any age have selected her their ultimate idol.

wedding hairstyle

Quick and Easy School Hairstyle Ideas
Beget a gander at the red carpet for the coolest whisker awakening! Trend ınto the following sudden and effortless hairstyle ıdeas for persuasion we spotted on juvenile celebs! Ponytails, top-knots, half up styles or frigid braids are some of the hottest trends you can 1 smoothly recreate at home!

the Firsthand day ıs on every side raw, lighthearted styles thus prickle styles which conform this attribute are extremely famed. If you aspire to. desire to underline your fad position, you bear to award regard to particulars that ın actuality type a dissimilarity as trim as your whisker do could literary perchance be the factor which make over facilitate your vogue. Mode your locks by selecting confined and clear persuasion bristle do appears to be seen on these chic youthful celebs!
You will find various awesome and classy age appropriate hair styles available to select from, all that you should do is defined your hairstyling abilities towards the test. If you are not really a morning person, you are certainly likely to treasure an additional 30 minutes of sleep, so if you wish to save your time and appear fabulous, you have to direct your attention towards quick hair styles that are simple to do in only a few minutes.

Stacked-up knots, untidy or neat ballerina buns look amazing and may certainly make an effect over your thing emphasizing your physical features. A loose, simple updo look casual and complicated simultaneously, so you’ll look right for various occasions. If you are more into neat, sleek hair styles, gather hair up or in the nape from the neck and twist hair right into a stylish bun. Secure hair right into a ponytail and wrap your hair round the base to obtain a sleek super stylish bun. Another fantastic way to obtain a sleek bun would be to braid the pony before wrapping it to produce your trendy look..

If you are about underlining your individuality, swish hair aside and produce out hair’s texture with a little of hairstyling mousse or texturizer. Some bobby hooks along with a headband will secure your locks in position and accentuate its effective style. Go retro chic magnificent headband, but when you are searching for some thing sexy, produce a stylish side braid or perhaps a simple side pony.
victoria justice school hairstyles

the Firsthand day ıs on every side raw, lighthearted styles thus prickle styles which conform this attribute are extremely famed. If you aspire to. desire to underline your fad position, you bear to award regard to particulars that ın actuality type a dissimilarity as trim as your whisker do could literary perchance be the factor which make over facilitate your vogue. Mode your locks by selecting confined and clear persuasion bristle do appears to be seen on these chic youthful celebs!
You will find various awesome and classy age appropriate hair styles available to select from, all that you should do is defined your hairstyling abilities towards the test. If you are not really a morning person, you are certainly likely to treasure an additional 30 minutes of sleep, so if you wish to save your time and appear fabulous, you have to direct your attention towards quick hair styles that are simple to do in only a few minutes.
miley cyrus double front braids

Stacked-up knots, untidy or neat ballerina buns look amazing and may certainly make an effect over your thing emphasizing your physical features. A loose, simple updo look casual and complicated simultaneously, so you’ll look right for various occasions. If you are more into neat, sleek hair styles, gather hair up or in the nape from the neck and twist hair right into a stylish bun. Secure hair right into a ponytail and wrap your hair round the base to obtain a sleek super stylish bun. Another fantastic way to obtain a sleek bun would be to braid the pony before wrapping it to produce your trendy look..
victoria justice school hairstyles

If you are about underlining your individuality, swish hair aside and produce out hair’s texture with a little of hairstyling mousse or texturizer. Some bobby hooks along with a headband will secure your locks in position and accentuate its effective style. Go retro chic magnificent headband, but when you are searching for some thing sexy, produce a stylish side braid or perhaps a simple side pony.