Name : DropX DeadX ModyX - The Pretender
Style : well i'm just my self but ppl call me an emo !! but who care's
Orientation : straight
Location : Egypt
Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/70117908
FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/DropXDeadXModYX
VampireFreaks : www.vampirefreaks.com/DropXDeadXModYX
About Me : Hey Everybody , My NaMe Is ModY , i'm 18 Turning To Be 19 In December , I wasnt Alive Really cauZ I've Broke Up With My Ex Girl Friend , CauZ of Too Many Problems That We Cant pass Through It , My LIfe Turned Into DarkNess , Till I met Someone , She is Romantic , Cute , Pretty , Emotional , and she has Green Eyes :) , I lOVE Her So Much , and I cant Live Without Her , She Is my Everything , I cant Stand 1 Sec. Without Thinking About her , She really Fixed Me Back , Really She Is Amazing , ANd i Want To Continue My Life Time With Her CauZ I love Her :)
Quotes : "Drop it Like It's Yours" , "It's All Dreams but I love To Be a Dreamer" , "Love Or Hate Whatever Both Sucks"
Poems : called "My Angel"
Your secrets you shield
The darkness you seek
From prying eyes your treasures to keep
Why do you hide my sweet little friend?
You’re frightened I know
Your treasures to show
Your glistening wings
You hide deep below
To tarnish your treasures
On life’s cheap thrills
Not for you
Black night’s cold chills
Come to me now
And show me your glory
Your deep golden body
My eyes keen to know
To me you’ll come
Not making a sound
Your wings they hold you
Clear of the ground
Your face so peaceful
Your hair so fine
Come to me now
Your heart so divine
I’ll hold you so close
So tender I'll be
To taste your sweet breath
Like fruit from a tree
Long have I waited
Long have I yearned
To see your sweet face
With deep love returned
Your beauty you hide
From mere mortals you shun
From heavens bright gates
You come as a guide
On sweet silver wings
Among us you hide
Placing our feet
Our pain to subside