What is buzz haircut: buzz hairstyle is a haircut where the hair is cut short and sheared off with a razor, to a point that no more than about 3/4’s of an inch of hair remains on all sides.This is a very short haircut for men.A lot guys are wanting a stylish but a low-maintenance hairstyle that has them looking good around the clock. The buzz cut the first wash-and-wear style — is perhaps the closet thing to that.
Shown on Idris Elba, it’s the quintessential hyper-masculine cut that emphasizes the strength .The result is a man who exudes confidence and is comfortable in his own skin. Fernando says that the buzz cut is essential when the scalp is visible and starts to look like there is a doughnut on top of your head. If you’re going for the buzz, be sure to slot in regular trims to keep it looking clean.
Do you know Wentworth Miller in Prison Break? This guy has really cool short buzz cut!
Wentworth Miller buzz cut, a cool very short hair cut for men