So Many Options With AttitudeIt may seem overwhelming when first faced with choosing a pair of spectacles and faced with all of today’s options. Hundreds of textures, co
lours, and styles ranging from funky to demure make it difficult to decide on just one pair. It is always helpful to keep a few points in mind when shopping for glasses.* Why are the glasses needed? Will they be worn periodically or all the time?* Hair colour, eye colour, and shape of face* Colour likes and dislikes, predominate colours in wardrobeAnd, don’t forget attitude! When choosing fashionable frames it is important to choose frames that match attitude.

For example, if a person wants to express their desire to be a power player or to jet around the world, a wrap around frame or larger frame will match her attitude. Or, if an inner lady is looking to break free, the pair of dainty pastel glasses is perfect.Amazing s

tylish designs in today’s frames for eye glasses include reading glasses, sunglasses, and spectacles. Reading glasses are becoming more and more popular as baby boomers begin to age and develop Presbyopia, a condition where text blurs for people beginning around middle age.

Stylish and PortableFashionable reading glasses are compact and can be easily stored for portability. They also come in many designs. Their frames are
super lightweight and the lenses are thin. One unique style of reading glasses is the size of a credit card. It fits into a purse or wallet and is available whenever needed.